ADI公司的AD7617是16通路同步取样的14位数据采集系统(DAS),包括了模拟输入箝位保护,一个双路14 位电荷再分配逐次逼近寄存器(SAR)模数转换器(ADC),一个灵活的数字滤波器,2.5 V 基准电压源和基准电压缓冲器以及高速串行和并行接口(SPI)/QSPI™/DSP/MICROWIRE,+5 V 电源供电,可以适应±10 V、±5 V 和 ±2.5 V真正双极性输入信号,主要用在电力线路监控,保护继电器,多相电机控制,仪表和控制系统和数据采集系统 (DAS).本文介绍了AD7617主要特性,功能框图,外币部连接电路,以及评估板EVAL-AD7616SDZ/EVAL-AD7616-PSDZ主要特性,框图,测量建立图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The AD7617 is a 14-bit, DAS that supports dual simultaneoussampling of 16 channels. The AD7617 operates from a single +5 Vsupply and can accommodate ±10 V, ±5 V, and ±2.5 V true bipolarinput signals while sampling at throughput rates up to 1 MSPSper channel pair with 85 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). HigherSNR performance can be achieved with the on-chip oversamplingmode (85.3 dB for an oversampling ratio (OSR) of 2).
The input clamp protection circuitry can tolerate voltages up to±21 V. The AD7617 has 1 MΩ analog input impedance, regardlessof sampling frequency. The single-supply operation, on-chipfiltering, and high input impedance eliminate the need fordriver op amps and external bipolar supplies.
The device contains analog input clamp protection, a dual, 14-bitcharge redistribution successive approximation register (SAR)analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a flexible digital filter, a2.5 V reference and reference buffer, and high speed serial andparallel interfaces. The AD7617 is serial peripheral interface(SPI)/QSPI™/DSP/MICROWIRE compatible.
16-channel, dual, simultaneously sampled inputs
Independently selectable channel input ranges
True bipolar: ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V
Single 5 V analog supply and 2.3 V to 3.6 V VDRIVE supply
Fully integrated data acquisition solution
Analog input clamp protection
Input buffer with 1 MΩ analog input impedance
First-order antialiasing analog filter
On-chip accurate reference and reference buffer
Dual 14-bit SAR ADC
Throughput rate: 2× 1 MSPS per channel pair
Oversampling capability with digital filter
Flexible sequencer with burst mode
Flexible parallel/serial interface
Optional CRC error checking
Hardware/software configuration
85.3 dB typical SNR at 500 kSPS (2× oversampling)
85 dB typical SNR at 1 MSPS
−103 dB typical THD at ±10 V range
±0.3 LSB INL (typical), ±0.99 LSB DNL (maximum)
8 kV ESD analog input pins only
On-chip self detect function
80-lead LQFP package
Power line monitoring
Protective relays
Multiphase motor control
Instrumentation and control systems
Data acquisition systems (DASs)


The EVAL-AD7616SDZ/EVAL-AD7616-PSDZ is a single, full featured evaluation board designed to easily evaluate all features of both the AD7616 and AD7616-P analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The evaluation board can be controlled by the EVAL- SDP-CB1Z via the 120-way high speed system demonstration plat- form (SDP-B) connector (J10). The EVAL-SDP-CB1Z SDP-B board controls the evaluation board through a USB port of a PC using the evaluation board software, which is available for download from the AD7616 and AD7616-P product pages. Complete specifications for the AD7616 and AD7616-P devices are provided in the AD7616 and AD7616-P data sheets and should be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation boards. Full details on the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z are available on the SDP-B product page.
Full featured evaluation board for the AD7616 and AD7616-P
On-board power supplies
Standalone capability
SDP-B controller board-compatible
PC software for control and data analysis
EVAL-AD7616SDZ/EVAL-AD7616-PSDZ evaluation board
DC power supply








图10.评估板EVAL-AD7616SDZ PCB设计图(1)

图11.评估板EVAL-AD7616SDZ PCB设计图(2)

图12.评估板EVAL-AD7616SDZ PCB设计图(3)

图13.评估板EVAL-AD7616SDZ PCB设计图(4)

图14.评估板EVAL-AD7616SDZ PCB设计图(5)

图15.评估板EVAL-AD7616SDZ PCB设计图(6)

图16.评估板EVAL-AD7616SDZ PCB设计图(7)