ENS210 可在0°C 到 70°C 的范围内提供精确度最高达±0.2°C 的开尔文數位温度输出。它还能测量相对湿度,并以數位形式输出,精确度最高为±3.5%。产品在送达客户手中时已经经过校准,因此传感器无需再在生产线上进行调整。产品通过一个I2C 接口提供數位输出,无需应用程序处理器(AP)或微控制器(MCU)进行信号处理。
QCA4531是一款低成本的交钥匙式解决方案,带来高性能的连接方式,能够提供一个用户可编程的Linux/OpenWRT环境,从而使用户从基于2x2 11n扩展的范围中受益。借助Linux构架,该方案可作为功能丰富的万物互联节点,也可以作为枢纽(hub)实现万物互联生态系统。随着万物互联生态系统的发展,QCA4531的出现将成为多协议桥接和通讯的理想选择,可桥接多种无线媒介与不同的生态系统。它可以作为接入点(AP),支持最多16部终端同时运行;




QCA4531_Key Features

EN210_Key Features

【Key Features】
1. Full AllJoyn integration client and services implementation
2. 802.11n 2x2 improves range and quality of service
3. MIPS 24Kc CPU with 650MHz clock
4. OpenWRT QSDK and open source ATH9K drivers
5. USB 2.0 host interface
6. DDR2 NAND SPI flash memory manager
7. High speed UART
8. 1 + 4 fast ethernet switch
9. I2C enables MFI option
10. Low cost system BOM
– Integrated LNA and +20 dBm PA
– QFN package and 4 Layer PCB design
– 3.3V external power source
11. Advanced power management
– Client-mode optimized power save Wi-Fi functionality
– Supports dynamic clocking and CPU off mode
12. Commercial and Industrial temperature options
13. 12 customizable GPIOs
【QCA4531 Specifications】
1. WLAN Technology 802.11b/g/n
2. Interfaces 1-DDR, 1-PCIE, 1-USB 2.0 Host,
3. JTAG, 12-GPIO, 1-UART, 1-I2C,
4. 1 + 4 Fast Ethernet Ports
5. Antennas 2-2.4GHz outputs
6. Frequency Band 2.4GHz
7. Channel Bandwidth 20 or 40MHz
8. Package Type 12 x 12mm
9. dual row 156 pin halogen-free QFN
10. Module Size 44.3 x 33.5 x 6.2mm, 4 layer PCB
11. (including PCB antenna and
12. 2 - I-PEX connectors)
13. Operating Temperature Commercial -20˚ to +70° C
14. Industrial -20˚ to +85° C
15. Power Source 3.3V nominal
16. Throughput 2x2 802.11n - 190Mbps (TCP/IP)
17. MIPs 24Kc CPU Clock 650MHz
18. Default Memory 64MB DDR; 1GB NAND SPI flash;
19. 1 x 4MB NOR flash
20. Operating System OpenWRT Embedded Linux
Benefits Features
• Ultra-accurate
• Temperature sensor (±0.2°C)
• Relative humidity sensor (±3.5%RH)
• Wide sensing range
• Temperature operating range (–40°C to 100°C)
• Relative humidity operating range (0% to 100%)
• Wide operating voltage • 1.71V to 3.60V
• Small foot-print • 2.0mm x 2.0mm x 0.75mm
• Industry standard two-wire interface • Standard (100kbit/s) and fast (400kbit/s) I²C
• Low power
• Automatic low-power standby when not measuring
• Active current: 7.1μA @ 1Hz (1.8V)
• Standby current: 40nA
• Cost effective
• Digital pre-calibrated relative humidity and temperature sensor
• Output directly in %RH and Kelvin
• Wide supply voltage range
• High reliability • Long-term stability